What are your fees? Our fees depend on the type and nature of your matter. Except in rare cases, we charge $400 for an initial consultation, which typically lasts about one hour. Beyond the initial consultation, we offer flexible fee arrangements that can fit each client’s needs. Although we are open to discussing other arrangements, typically the possible fee arrangements include the following:
In an hourly fee arrangement, the client simply pays us at our hourly rates – currently ranging from $150 to $600 per hour, for the actual amount of time spent on the matter. Depending on the matter, we may also assign tasks to one of our paralegals for which we typically charge $200 per hour. We typically require an advance against fees (commonly referred to as a “retainer”), the unused portion of which is refunded. We bill in increments of tenths of one hour (6 minutes) and send you our detailed invoices monthly. For contested or disputed matters and in light of the complexity of and time required to properly attend to such matters, we usually require an advance of at least $20,000.
We believe that teamwork and collaboration produce better and overall more efficient results for our clients. So, where appropriate, our attorneys work together and collaborate on our client’s matters. Unless time spent collaborating and strategizing among attorneys is prohibited by law, we charge for such services. Our fees are and will be reasonable in all cases. If you have any questions about our billing specifically or services in general, do not hesitate to let us know.
Flat fee:
Under a flat fee, the client pays one pre-set amount for a given project or set of tasks. The flat fee typically does not include costs, such as court filing fees.
For example, we regularly offer flat fees (usually $5,000-$10,000, depending on the scope of the services covered by the flat fee) to prepare and file the necessary paperwork for the appointment of a personal representative, special administrator, guardian, and/or conservator. As applicable, the flat fee may also include us preparing various other initial documents, including drafting, filing and publishing required notices and attending the initial uncontested hearing. If the matter becomes contested or we are asked to assist with other tasks, we typically charge hourly for those services.
Read more about flat fees on our Arizona Flat Fees Probate Services page.
In a contingency fee arrangement, we receive a percentage of any recovery (calculated before costs are deducted) and no fee if there is no recovery. Depending on the matter, the firm may advance costs (such as filing fees, deposition costs, expert witness fees).
A mixed/hybrid fee is, for example, where we receive a reduced hourly fee or a flat fee, plus a contingency fee.
Costs are different and usually treated separately from fees. Costs may include court filing fees, expert witness charges, and depositions, among other things. Unlike some law firms, we do not charge for postage, faxes, and small copy jobs.
Please see our fees page for more information.