By Kent Berk on February 26th, 2010 in BLOG, BUSINESS LAW
Alsalam Aircraft Company of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia protested the award of a contract to DynCorp International LLC by the Department of the Army for support services for the Saudi government, Royal Saudi Land Forces Aviation Command (RSLFAC). Alsalam argued that the Army engaged in a flawed analysis of DynCorp’s transition plan. The GAO denied the protest:
Protest challenging the reevaluation–after corrective action in response to an earlier protest–of an awardee’s proposed transition approach is denied where the agency reasonably concluded that the approach could be achieved within the time required by the solicitation, even though the approach was inconsistent with solicitation guidance indicating that such an approach would not likely be successful; protester cannot claim to have been prejudiced by the agency’s revised views about the solicitation guidance because there is no reason to think, based on the record, that the protester would have offered a different approach had it known of the agency’s revised views.